
Energetic harmonization does not have the power to neutralize the effects caused by direct human action.

It is extremely important to be aware that harmonizing environmental energy in a bounded region neutralizes all harmful elements generated by Global Warming but not when they were caused by local population.As examples we have:

  • the overfishing practice, many times with explosives or trawls;         
  • excessive marine organisms collecting for diverse uses;
  • destruction of mangroves regions;
  • sewage pollution and others;
  • several kind of sedimentations;
  • others harmful actions caused primarily by humans beings

These problems will continue to affect the corals and marine’s life on punctual actions, even in harmonized regions.

So for that protection to be full, the energetic harmonization should be applied preferably in regions:

  • Where has already been or is being implemented marine protected areas (MPA) or similar, with management rules, properly managed and supervised.
  • Where there alongside an awareness campaign and education of coastal populations in practices that help the preservation of corals and marine life, benefiting the economy itself and local life. 

Energetic harmonization comes to complement the works of protection and preservation of corals and marine life carried out by the Marine Protected Areas (MPA), effectively enabling the strengthen and resilience of corals and marine life, to face the imbalances caused by Global Warming.

See the Results Observed in harmonized areas.